The Mushroom That Became A Flying Saucer At Sunset

15 October 2013

An amazing thing happened at sunset today...

First view of this evening's sunset - A remote mushroom cloud with pink, purple and blue streaks  which gradually blossomed into another spiral mushroom cloud...

Doesn't this look like rock formations?

Delicious bubble gum-coloured wisps...

Minutes later, this huge left-angled shadow was formed. How often do you see an upward-casted shadow?

This shadow became a taller and thinner diagonal as the sun sank lower behind this huge cloud mass...

Upon zooming, see the fascinating wind-blown streaks?

This mountain top seems to be forming a cap...

Which morphed into a flying saucer which disappeared into the dark of twilight...

More photos are available on Merlion Wayfarer Goes Green's Picasa at :
Natural Phenomena - Clouds